
Predictable Revenue

The company behind the book. Helping companies scale their pipeline with revenue targets.

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Missing your sales goals is stressful and can put your growth at risk. What if you could predictably start new sales conversations with your future customers?

Through our methodology Predictable Revenue has helped thousands of companies generate millions in pipeline and revenue through outbound sales development.

Let's find some time to chat about why most startups and scales ups choose Predictable Revenue as their partner in scaling their pipeline and revenue targets.


Sales Consultancy

We will identify gaps and opportunities through an audit of your current sales development initiatives. From there, we will  build out a detailed execution plan to capture predictable revenue. 

Outsourced SDR

We hire a team that includes Client Success Managers, Sales Development Representatives, and Sales Researchers. We train them, and work with you and your team to build / compliment your playbook using our sales stack (eg. Salesforce + Outreach). 

We launch and run test campaigns to determine the right sales messaging, scripting, and channels to reach your target accounts.  This includes a plan to maximize revenue opportunities for each ideal market segment.

We launch and run test campaigns to determine the right sales messaging, scripting, and channels to reach your target accounts.  This includes a plan to maximize revenue opportunities for each ideal market segment.

Dedicated Client Success Managers working with you and your pod of SDRs weekly to measure what matters. You’ll receive real-time reporting, conversation recordings and performance analytics.

Our Team

Collin Stewart


Cristina Esposto

Head of Consulting

Gray Norman

VP SDR-as-a-Service

Julian Marcuzzi

VP of Revenue


My recommendation for early stage companies is don’t hire any SDRs. Just go with Predictable Revenue, save yourself the time and the money

Brian Neman

Co-Founder & CEO at Sanguine

It became predictable – meetings were just arriving to our inbox

Robert Howell

Vice-President & Partner at Activation Systems